Why Join Us

If you still don’t think you have time to participate and join us to change the life of others in your community consider the following:

Helping the Poor and Needy

Helping the poor and needy I believe isn’t just a suggestion of something nice that we could do, but is a requirement of any true Christian, after all, Jesus said that if we walk by a man in need without helping, then we are doing the same to Him. If you are worshipping God in spirit and truth, then I believe you would automatically want to help anyone in need. It’s amazing and very sad that we live in a day and age of great wealth, possessions and huge WASTE, and yet there are millions of people dying all around the world of hunger, which the food we waste could probably feed them and keep them alive. Just look at the amount of money wasted by professing Christians during the Christmas period. Billions upon Billions of God’s money is wasted on vain gifts for people who already have enough, while the poor and needy continue to starve to death.

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